Guest Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller & Prof. Dr. med. Clarissa Prazeres da Costa (view profile in Research Directory)
Topic: The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: What Role Does Society Play?
The Series directs special attention towards the added value of interdisciplinary and international cooperation in global health research. Every first Tuesday of the month, speakers share insights into their research projects while focusing on research processes, methods as well as lessons learned. Following the 30-minute speaker’s presentation, the Series encourages an academic exchange between the speaker and the audience in a 30-minute Q&A session.
Prof. Ruth Müller is a molecular biologist and sociologist and holds the professorship of Science and Technology Policy at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Prof. Clarissa Prazeres da Costa heads the parasitology diagnostics department and co-leads the teaching unit at the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and Hygiene at TUM. Together they discuss the developmental origins of health and disease: How do early environmental exposures during the infant period influence long-term health outcomes and what is society's role in this complex interplay? These and other questions were addressed in the March edition of the GLOHRA Academy Series.