Health Literacy in Diverse International Contexts
Event Summary
The scientific workshop “Health Literacy in Diverse International Contexts – A neglected but Highly Relevant Cross-cutting Issue That Supports Empowerment and the Effectiveness of Projects”, supported by the German Alliance of Global Health Research, took place at the Technical University Munich and online on Friday, April 22nd, 2022. The event was hosted by the Center for Global Health of the TU Munich in collaboration with the University of Education Freiburg (PH Freiburg), Charité – Universtitätsmedizin Berlin, School of Public Health of the Bielefeld University, and the Center for Global Health of the University of Oslo. A total of 92 people participated in the workshop, of which 20 participants were on-site.
Event Announcement
We are excited to announce that the first GLOHRA-supported workshop of the year will take place on April 22nd, 8:30-16:30 online and in Munich.
Although health literacy has become a central theme in all health programs, it is still a neglected but highly relevant cross-cutting issue in Global Health as it supports empowerment and effectiveness of projects. Every researcher in global health will encounter issues of health literacy in their work, so we will deliberately address this topic in this scientific workshop. Experts, examples of good practice and interactive workshops will allow us to delve into the multiple facets of health literacy in global health and discuss possible applications in our research projects.